Bharatpur (Rajasthan): The environment activist and Bharatpur seer Vijay Das, who was battling for life at Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital died in the wee hours of Saturday. Radha Kant Shastri, an office-bearer of a temple trust, while confirming the demise of seer Vijay Das, said, "The last rites of the seer will be performed either at Barsane or his native village Pasova."
Four days ago, seer Vijay Das while staging a protest at Pasova village scaled up a tower and after that, he sprinkled inflammable material on his body and immolated himself. Policemen at the dharna site rushed towards him and put a blanket on his body. Thereafter, the saint was rushed to the RBM district hospital -- where in the absence of a burn ward--Das was then referred to Sawai Mansingh Hospital, said sources. When the condition of the activist deteriorated, he was rushed to Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital where he succumbed to injuries in the wee hours of Saturday, added the source.