New Delhi: Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday announced an increase in all monthly social security pensions, including the old age pension, from ₹2,000 to ₹2,250.
Former Chief Minister of Haryana Bhupinder Singh Hooda compared this step taken by the government with a Hindi idiom and said, "A hike of Rs 250 to Rs 2,250 in all social security and old-age pensions is equivalent to digging up a mountain only to find a mouse."
Hooda said that people have been cheated, as the coalition government had promised many things but has not yet delivered their promises.
Regarding the allegations made by Independent MLA Balraj Kundu against former Minister Manish Grover on his role in the 2016 Jat reservation stir and alleged corruption in development works, Hooda said, "It's their party's personal matter so I don't want to comment on it. However, CBI should investigate the matter. It would be better."
Commenting on the differences between Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and State’s Home Minister Anil Vij, Hooda said, "It's been two months and the government has not yet started working. I just have one question to ask- When will the government start functioning?"
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