New Delhi: As the Supreme Court deadline, given to states as well as union government to provide information on Judicial vacancies, ended on July 30, the status reports shows the glaring reality of troubles plaguing the district and subordinate judicial services.
According to the information collected by the Registry of the apex court from the registries of different High Courts, 5133 posts out of the total 22036 remains vacant.
The report also suggest that recruitment process is at different stages in different states.
Besides, a total of 1324 posts out of the vacant 5133 are yet to be subjected to any recruitment process.
In the state of Uttar Pradesh, the working strength is 437 in the high court as of 2017-18, where the total vacancies amount to 239.
The Supreme Court also rapped the Law secretary of the state questioning as to how the 72 vacancies to the post of Fast track court judges will be filled by March 2020.
Whereas in the state of Maharashtra a total of 108 posts in civil courts remains vacant.
The apex court had earlier asked the authorities to indicate the total strength of each cadre, total vacancies, number of posts in which selection process is going on and the number of posts for which the process of selection is yet to be initiated.
In its July 9 order, the Supreme Court had granted time for the solicitor General Tushar Mehta to interact with officials to discuss the issue of central funding on infrastructure to rebuild the lower courts.