Hyderabad (Telangana): Hyderabad Police have booked three former IAS officers and two IPS officials of undivided Andhra Pradesh after a court referred the matter to the state police based on a woman's complaint accusing them of victimising her by getting a "false" case registered against her earlier.
Following a local court's direction, the case was registered on January 9 at the Saifabad police station here under various IPC sections including 120 B (criminal conspiracy) and 193 (false evidence) against three former IAS officers and two IPS officials based on the complaint, police said on Tuesday.
A senior police official said the woman had filed the complaint stating that a false case was registered against her and police had arrested her based on false complaints.
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She also claimed that when she put up a petition before the Centre, false reports were submitted by the former IAS officers and two IPS officials.
According to the official, the woman alleged that a former IAS officer used his official position to victimise her by getting a "false" case registered against her and that she was harassed by him through false evidence and accusations.