Hyderabad: After Telangana government eased lockdown curbs, a salon owner in Nalgonda district has started operating, following strict hygiene and sanitation protocols to opting for PPE kits so as to minimise the risk of infection.
"We were facing huge financial loss because of the nationwide lockdown. After the government allowed relaxation, we have been able to restart functioning. I have bought PPE kit for 750 each for all my hairdressers so that they can perform their duty without any risk of infection," the owner of the salon added.
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He also said, salons across the state have incorporated major changes in their ways of functioning to regain the trust of customers and reduce the risk of infection.
"The moment a person enters, we provide them hand sanitiser. In fact, we have made wearing mask compulsory for clients when they get into the salon," the owner explained.
He further stated that all barber or salon shops should be provided PPE kits by the state government so as to strengthen the fight against the deadly virus.