Hyderabad: Telangana Health Minister Eatala Rajendra on Saturday inaugurated the blood donation camp by Telangana Non-gazetted Officers' Association (TNGO) at the central blood bank, Narayanguda.
Health Minister Eatala Rajendra said that COVID-19 has reduced blood reserves in the State.
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"Today, we have inaugurated the blood donation camp by TNGO. With this, we have called for young people to donate blood to thalassemia and anemia patients. Large amount of young people are coming forward to donate blood. Blood reserves are on the rise and many young people are coming forward to donate blood. TNGO's are always forward in blood donation," Rajendra said while speaking to media.
He termed the attack on doctors as a heinous act. "Many doctors in Cuba are going to other countries to provide medical services. Doctors are constantly working hard. Patients who are attacking doctors have been given special wards in jail. They will be punished," he added. (ANI report)