Mumbai (Maharashtra): Shiv Sena on Tuesday slammed its former ally BJP and questioned it on whether there was any Pakistani, Khalistani or Naxalites hand behind bird flu outbreak in the country.
In its editorial mouthpiece 'Saamana', Shiv Sena pointed out that BJP leaders had earlier targeted farmers' agitation alleging that Pakistanis, Khalistani, Chinese, Naxalites, and Maoists are behind the protest.
"Farmers are agitating against the new agricultural law and meanwhile new crisis of bird flu outbreak has emerged. Government officials say that Pakistanis, Khalistani, Chinese, Naxalites and Maoists are behind the farmers' agitation. BJP spokesperson has not declared if Khalistani, Pakistani and Naxalites have a hand in mysterious deaths of the chickens and bird," read the editorial.
Shiv Sena said that farmers and those involved in poultry farming have been adversely affected due to bird flu.
"The sale of chickens and eggs is more in rural areas. They have the economics of their own and there is no place for poor egg seller's economy in the new farm laws. According to the new agricultural law, corporates will not deal with chickens and eggs infected with bird flu. Then who will support the farmers involved in poultry farmer?" the editorial asked.
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The party said that several poultry markets have been shut down across the country that has increased the difficulties of traders dealing in chickens and eggs.
"Due to fear, people will not eat chickens and eggs for a few days and this will affect the business of the area, which will spoil the economic administration," it said.
Avian Influenza has been confirmed in 10 states of the country so far.