Shahjahanpur: Police raided a shop in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur on Thursday and recovered fake pesticide worth of Rs 1.20 crore. One of the accused in the case was arrested while one escaped.
The fraud was going on in Shahjahanpur in the name of Noida's Crystal Company Private Limited which is a pesticide making company. Here, fake pesticides were being sold in the name of the company in Rausrakothi village of RC Mission area.
Acting on the tip-off received from Jeetu Sharma, an employee of Crystal Company Private Limited Pesticide Company who is a resident of Nagla Khema Police Station in Mathura district, police raided the shop and arrested Jageshwar whereas, his partner Mohit managed to escape.
A police team has been deployed to arrest another accused Mohit.
It is being told that these people used to take the rental shop and make fake pesticide medicines and sell them in the name of Crystal Company Pvt. Pesticide company.
SP City Sanjay Kumar said, "police have recovered fake pesticide medicines worth about Rs. 1 crore 20 lakh 10 thousand from them after raiding the shop we arrested the gang leader. And we are searching for another partner who escaped.
Police have recovered 140 cans of 1 litre Kyro, 105 cans of Biobita PI 500, 5016 pieces of the sticker, Bayer Company's 452 packets of Netto of 100 grams, 1125 pieces of Kyro sticker, 30 pieces of canoe seal, 60 packets of spinach seed, seeds from Rouserkothi shop Coriander has recovered 45 pieces, white foil 155 pieces.
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