New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by Justice Arun Mishra on Wednesday slammed the Federation of Automobile Dealers’ Association (FADA) for exceeding the limit to sell Bharat Stage-IV (BS-IV) compliant vehicles that was fixed by the court.
"We gave you 7 days. Whatever you might have sold it was sold more than the time allowed. Are you saying 10,000 vehicles sold online in one day?" questioned Justice Mishra.
The bench inquired about vehicles being sold at 30%-40% off online after 31st March. "Do not take advantage of this court by playing fraud," remarked Justice Mishra.
Advocate KV Vishwanathan appearing for the automobile body contended before the court that the registration of vehicles was allowed in March 2020 to which Justice Mishra said that they were not on registration but the selling which happened during the lockdown against the order which prohibited sale during the lockdown period.
It directed FADA to give details of the vehicles sold to the government.
The government has been asked to submit data on which vehicles details were uploaded on the Vahan portal after 31st March and said that registration will be allowed only if the vehicle is uploaded on the portal.
The matter will be heard again on 23rd July which the submissions have to be made.
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