New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday asked the Centre and all states to file within two days status reports detailing steps taken to deal with the current COVID-19 situation, noting that the pandemic has worsened in places like Delhi and Gujarat.
The court said the situation is going out of control in Gujarat.
Things have worsened in Delhi especially in November. You file a status report on what steps have been taken, a bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan told Additional Solicitor General Sanjay Jain, who was appearing for Delhi government.
The bench, also comprising Justices R S Reddy and M R Shah, said that all efforts shall be made by the Centre and the states to mitigate the situation and to deal with the rising number of COVID-19 cases.
The top court, which was hearing a matter in which it had taken cognisance regarding the proper treatment of COVID-19 patients and dignified handling of bodies in hospitals, has posted the matter for hearing on November 27.
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