New Delhi: A Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India, Sharad Arvind Bobde, refused to entertain a plea which sought utilisation of West Bengal's CM Fund to ensure safe and sponsored travel of stranded migrants.
The bench asked the petitioner to approach the Calcutta High court with his prayers.
The PIL was filed by Bengal Madrasah Education Forum which also sought directions to the government to ensure that OPD department of private hospitals and clinics are reopened are diagnostic and consultation services therein resumed while observing social distancing norms as are in force.
Contending grounds for the plea, the petitioner said that "the individuals residing in West Bengal are being denied access to healthcare services if the same is not for emergency conditions. It is stated that diagnostics and consultations form the basis of regulation of other life-threatening conditions apart from COVID-19."
Further, it said that there are many incidents of death of migrants while walking back home due to the prevailing conditions amid the corona and lockdown.
"Because the Chief Minister's Relief Fund is earmarked for disbursement during major natural calamities i.e acts of God. The circumstances of migrant workers walking back hundreds of kilometres, as a consequence of a global pandemic and national lockdown, duly qualify as such a circumstance," read the petition.