New Delhi: Supreme Court on Monday issued a notice to Professor Anand Teltumbde after Maharashtra government filed a petition challenging the order of a Pune court releasing him in connection with the Bhima-Koregaon case.
A Bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra issued a notice to Teltumbde who was released on February 2, 2019, after his arrest.
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Maharashtra government had approached the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the order issued by the Pune Sessions Court contending Teltumbde made inflammatory speeches at the place of the incident.
Pune Sessions Court had on February 2, 2019, ordered the release of Teltumbde, a professor at the Goa Institute of Management, terming the arrest illegal.
On January 1 last year, violence had erupted during the 200th-anniversary celebrations of Bhima-Koregaon battle, leaving one dead and several injured.
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