Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that even though curbs have been lifted and the economy has opened-up, people still need to be vigilant without laxity.
The remarks came a day after the Central government issued 'Unlock 1' guidelines allowing a phased re-opening of most activities across the country and limiting the lockdown only to containment zones for a month till June 30.
In his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat', Prime Minister Modi said, "Many curbs have been lifted. A major chunk of the economy is now active again. We need to be more vigilant, be it maintaining a distance of six feet, wearing a mask, staying at home, we must follow all this without laxity. The road ahead is a long one; we are fighting a pandemic about which little was previously known."
The Prime Minister added, "Looking at the world, we release how big is the achievement of Indians. The population is more, challenges are different, even then coronavirus could not spread as fast as it did in other countries. The fatality rate is also lower in our country."
He also lauded the people for their collective efforts in valiantly fighting the battle against coronavirus. "During this pandemic, we have shown that the idea of service and sacrifice are not mere ideals for us but are the way of life. The entire movement is people driven. In such a vast country, every citizen has taken upon themselves to fight the battle."