New Delhi: RJD leader Manoj Jha on Saturday accused Anurag Thakur, Kapil Mishra and Pravesh Verma of the 40 deaths in the worst communal riots that began on Sunday over the Citizenship Amendment Act in North East Delhi.
"The wrongdoers should have been punished by now; the horrific scene of 1984 riot was repeated, people have unnecessarily suffered" Manoj Jha asserted.
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Jha also added that he along with his party members will go to the President in order to demand strict actions against the perpetrators and to seek permission for carrying out a peaceful march to convey the message of unity in diversity to the people across Delhi.
After four days of violence in the national capital’s North East district, a team of Delhi Police finally swung into action and collected crucial evidence from a building owned by suspended AAP Councillor Tahir Hussain who has been charged in connection with the killing of IB staffer Ankit Sharma.