New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu will hold a video-conference on Friday with Governors, Lieutenant Governors and administrators of all states and union territories to bolster the fight against coronavirus.
This will be the second such conference, a statement issued by the Rashtrapati Bhavan said.
In the first video-conference held on March 27, Delhi Lt Governor and 14 Governors - from the worst hit areas- were shortlisted to share their experiences.
The remaining Governors/LGs and Administrators will share their experiences Friday, it said.
The agenda of the conference will be the status of COVID-19 in the states, the role of the Red Cross with focus on vulnerable sections, and the role of civil society/voluntary organisations/private sector in complementing the efforts of the Union and state governments to contain the spread of coronavirus, the statement said.
(PTI Report)
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