New Delhi: With the farmers' issue gaining momentum, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) promised several privileges to the farmers in their election manifesto. While a meeting was conducted at Union minister Rajnath Singh's residence on March 11 along with Union Minister for Agriculture, Minister of State for agriculture along with several top officials to look into the intricacies of the matter.
Providing inputs on the discussion, Indian Council for Food and Agriculture (ICFA) chairperson MJ Khan said, "Several farmers and top officials were a part of the meeting. It was understood that a pension plan might be initiated for the aged farmers."
He added: "The most important suggestion received from the organisations representing the farmers was to increase the amount paid under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Samman Nidhi."
Khan also said that there were several other issues that were put forward by them that are being currently looked into.
While Rajnath Singh has been given the responsibility of the manifesto committee, the carefully made 'Sankalp Patra' for the farmers will be looked after by former Madhya Pradesh chief minister and current national vice president of BJP Shivraj Singh Chouhan.