New Delhi: The BJP on Friday slammed the opposition meeting, saying it was filled with "negativity" and was convened "just to criticize the union government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi".
Commenting on the meeting, which was convened by Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and attended by 22 political parties, BJP national spokesperson Sudesh Verma said: "it was full of negativity and served no purpose".
"Congress chief Sonia Gandhi slammed Prime Minister Modi whereas the whole world has recognized his leadership qualities and praising him for his works," he said in a video message here.
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He said the Congress president's address was just to criticize the Prime Minister.
"India is dealing well with coronavirus crisis under Modi's leadership and it's not good to slam the government for everything," he said.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, NCP leader Sharad Pawar and DMK's M.K. Stalin were some of the prominent leaders present in the meeting.
The opposition parties, however, in a resolution extended support to the government and people of West Bengal and Odisha in the aftermath of cyclone Amphan.
"This meeting conveys its deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives."We express our solidarity and sympathies with those who have suffered losses," the leader said in an official statement of the meeting.