New Delhi: Speaking exclusively to Etv Bharat on the fugitive diamond businessman Nirav Modi's arrest, senior journalist Sashidhar Pathak on Wednesday said, "Nirav Modi's arrest is good news but expecting his extradition immediately is not possible."
Hailing the arrest, Pathak said that if Nirav Modi will be extradited before the Lok Sabha elections it will be considered as BJP's victory.
"The arrest of the fugitive businessman is a happy moment but if he will be extradited before elections than it will work as an advantage for the ruling party," he told Etv Bharat.
"Not only for the government of India, but it will also be a victory of BJP, " he added.
Nirav Modi was arrested from the Holborn area of central London on Tuesday.
London's Westminister Magistrates Court, which issued arrest warrants against him on Monday, remanded the fugitive diamantaire in custody till March 29, saying there are "substantial grounds" to believe that he would fail to surrender if granted bail.
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