New Delhi: The National Green Tribunal on Thursday junked a plea by an apparel body seeking direction to recall its order directing the Union Environment Ministry and the state governments to ban short life PVC and chlorinated plastics.
A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice A K Goel said the application by 'Fabric Manufacturers Association' has been moved after four years of the order dated December 12, 2016 that has attained finality.
The green panel refused to agree with the submission that the applicant is a necessary party and was not represented in the proceedings and has no other remedy.
"We do not find any merit. Apart from long unexplained delay, giving of a suggestion for consideration by statutory authorities did not require impleading of the present applicant.
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"Suggestion was not against any individual and authorities could even independently take such a decision. There is no challenge to the decision of the authorities nor such challenge can be considered by the tribunal in this application," the bench said.
The NGT had directed the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) to regulate the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other forms of plastics on a plea filed by Almitra H Patel and others seeking directions to improve the practices presently adopted for collection, storage, transportation, disposal, treatment and recycling of Municipal Solid Waste popularly known as garbage generated in various cities across India.
We direct MoEF and the state governments to consider and pass appropriate directions in relation to a ban on short life PVC and Chlorinated Plastics as expeditiously as possible, and in any case, no later than six months from the date of pronouncement of this judgment," the NGT had said.