Mumbai (Maharashtra): Mumbai Police have asked their personnel, who are above 55 years of age and having some pre-existing ailment, to go on leave, in a bid to protect them from the coronavirus infection.
The move comes after COVID-19 claimed the lives of three Mumbai Police personnel in the last three days.
During analysis, it came to light that the three deceased and the other police personnel currently undergoing treatment for coronavirus disease were above the age of 50, a senior Mumbai Police official said on Tuesday.
"In view of this, we have decided to protect our policemen and officers - who are above 55 years of age and having some pre-existing ailment - and asked them to take leave," he said.
"Because of their age, these police personnel are at a higher risk. Therefore, we are allowing them to take leave during these days," the official said.
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So far, at least 107 police personnel, including 20 officers, have tested positive for coronavirus across Maharashtra and most of them are from the Mumbai Police force.
On Monday, a 57-year-old head constable of the Mumbai Police died of COVID-19.
Besides, a 52-year-old head constable succumbed to the disease on Sunday, while a 57-year-old constable died on Saturday.
PTI Report