Indore: A man in Madhya Pradesh threw chilli powder in the eyes of a jewellery shop owner and tried to escape with around 50 grams of gold on Thursday. However, people around the shop foiled his plan and nabbed him.
The incident was recorded in the CCTV camera installed at the shop in Indore. The accused is currently in police custody. During interrogation, he revealed his identity as Anand from Madhya Pradesh's Dewas.
"Laveen Soni runs a jewellery shop in Sarafa area. At around 6:30 pm, a man came to his shop. A few minutes later, he threw chilli power in Soni's eyes and started fleeing from the spot with 45-50 gram gold. When he was escaping from the spot, people who were present around the shop nabbed him," Amrita Singh Solanki, Sarafa police station in-charge told.
"In CCTV footage, it is clear that he was trying to snatch the gold. We are taking action against him based shop owner's complaint and the CCTV footage," he said.
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