Sehore (Madhya Pradesh): A couple in Madhya Pradesh’s Sehore district on Sunday tied the knot by exchanging wedding vows over a copy of the Constitution of India followed by garlanding a picture of Dr BR Ambedkar - the architect of the constitution.
The wedding ceremony of groom Santosh Malviya and bride Imrat Malviya was held at a temple after obtaining necessary permission from the district officials for the same amid a lockdown imposed to contain coronavirus.
“We had to get married this way because of the restrictions put in place because of the lockdown. Our families wanted our wedding to be a grand affair but the situation was such that we had to do it this way,” said the groom.
Also read: Lockdown 3.0 begins today with 'considerable relaxations'; some curbs to continue
The family of both the bride and groom adhered to all the safety guidelines issued by the government and health authorities to combat the disease while holding the wedding ceremony.