New Delhi: Days, after the Union Home Ministry has set up a high-level committee to look into the procedures to implement Clause 6 of Assam Accord. All Assam Minority Students Union (AAMSU) on Thursday, has accused the committee of deviating by substituting the word 'Assamese people' by some other words.
In a letter submitted to the Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla, AAMSU advisor Azizur Rahman said that the student body has cooperated for NRC updating process in the state and now 'it is ready to cooperate in the implementation ration of the Clause 6 of the Assam Accord'.
"However, it is observed that while issuing public notice for views, comments, suggestions in implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, the high-level committee has deviated from Clause 6 of the Assam Accord by substituting the word Assamese people by some other words like indigenous people of Assam, indigenous tribal, indigenous Assamese...," said Rahman.
The student body has appealed Bhalla to make an arrangement on priority to define the 'Assamese people' who are eligible for safeguard instead of making any deviation of the Accord.
Clause 6 of the Assam Accord gives land, economic and political rights to the indigenous people of the state.
On July 15, the Home Ministry has set up a high-level committee comprising intellectuals, leaders from the student body of Assam, writers, Government representatives to work for the implementation of the Clause 6 of Assam Accord.
The historic Accord was signed in 1985 between Government of India, Assam government and All Assam Students Union (AASU) to bring an end to the years-long anti-foreigners movement.
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