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Historian Irfan Habib sets example of intolerance: Prem Shukla

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Published : Dec 30, 2019, 9:51 PM IST

BJP backs Kerala Governor's speech at the 80th edition of the Indian History Congress in Kannur University and termed historian Irfan Habib's action intolerant.

Historians Irfan Habib sets example of intolerance: Prem Shukla
Historians Irfan Habib sets example of intolerance: Prem Shukla

New Delhi: BJP has come in the support of Kerala Governor Aarif Mohammad Khan over the Kannur University incident and launched a scathing attack on Historian Irfan Habib.

Over the Kerala Governor's remark on Irfan Habib, BJP's National spokesperson Prem Shukla said, "The Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan has given his statement regarding the indecency of the historian Irfan Habib with the Chief Guest in his own program."

Prem Shukla added, "the people who know the Constitution are well aware that once the Parliament has made a law and if any person is speaking against that law in a program and if the Governor himself present at the event as chief guest, then he will reply to such people to such people in term of preserving the Constitution. And when Arif Mohammad Khan used his right to respond, the kind of uproar and indecency was there is a live example of the intolerance of Irfan Habib and his Marxist writers and historians."

Read: Youth Cong organises silent protest against Centre's 'suppression of voices'

It is to be noted that, Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan has alleged that the historian Irfan Habib tried to stop his inauguration speech at the 80th edition of the Indian History Congress in Kannur University and his 'intolerance' on different opinions was undemocratic.

  • Hon'ble Governor said that he had responded to points raised by previous speakers,as a person duty bound to defend &protect the Constitution.But trying to disrupt speech from stage&audience due to intolerance towards different opinion is undemocratic #IndianHistoryCongress

    — Kerala Governor (@KeralaGovernor) December 28, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="

Hon'ble Governor said that he had responded to points raised by previous speakers,as a person duty bound to defend &protect the Constitution.But trying to disrupt speech from stage&audience due to intolerance towards different opinion is undemocratic #IndianHistoryCongress

— Kerala Governor (@KeralaGovernor) December 28, 2019 ">

In a series of tweets, he said that his speech was “interrupted on stage and from the audience”. He also accused professor Habib of trying to “physically stop him” from speaking. He claimed to have responded to points made by previous speakers as “a person duty-bound to defend and protect the Constitution”.

Another tweet said that the historian Irfan Habib questioned Arif Mohammad Khan's right to quote Abdul Kalam Azad and said in a loud voice that he should cite Nathuram Godse.

The office of Kerala Governor said that Arif Mohammad Khan was only doing his duty to protect the constitution by reacting to the points raised by the previous speakers but due to intolerance to the second vote, the speech was interrupted by the stage and the audience which was undemocratic.

Also Read: Indian tourism not affected by economic slowdown: Minister

New Delhi: BJP has come in the support of Kerala Governor Aarif Mohammad Khan over the Kannur University incident and launched a scathing attack on Historian Irfan Habib.

Over the Kerala Governor's remark on Irfan Habib, BJP's National spokesperson Prem Shukla said, "The Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan has given his statement regarding the indecency of the historian Irfan Habib with the Chief Guest in his own program."

Prem Shukla added, "the people who know the Constitution are well aware that once the Parliament has made a law and if any person is speaking against that law in a program and if the Governor himself present at the event as chief guest, then he will reply to such people to such people in term of preserving the Constitution. And when Arif Mohammad Khan used his right to respond, the kind of uproar and indecency was there is a live example of the intolerance of Irfan Habib and his Marxist writers and historians."

Read: Youth Cong organises silent protest against Centre's 'suppression of voices'

It is to be noted that, Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan has alleged that the historian Irfan Habib tried to stop his inauguration speech at the 80th edition of the Indian History Congress in Kannur University and his 'intolerance' on different opinions was undemocratic.

  • Hon'ble Governor said that he had responded to points raised by previous speakers,as a person duty bound to defend &protect the Constitution.But trying to disrupt speech from stage&audience due to intolerance towards different opinion is undemocratic #IndianHistoryCongress

    — Kerala Governor (@KeralaGovernor) December 28, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data=" ">

In a series of tweets, he said that his speech was “interrupted on stage and from the audience”. He also accused professor Habib of trying to “physically stop him” from speaking. He claimed to have responded to points made by previous speakers as “a person duty-bound to defend and protect the Constitution”.

Another tweet said that the historian Irfan Habib questioned Arif Mohammad Khan's right to quote Abdul Kalam Azad and said in a loud voice that he should cite Nathuram Godse.

The office of Kerala Governor said that Arif Mohammad Khan was only doing his duty to protect the constitution by reacting to the points raised by the previous speakers but due to intolerance to the second vote, the speech was interrupted by the stage and the audience which was undemocratic.

Also Read: Indian tourism not affected by economic slowdown: Minister

Intro:इरफान हबीब व उनके मार्क्सवादी तमाम साहित्यकार, इतिहासकारों ने असहिष्णुता का जीवंत प्रमाण दिया-प्रेम शुक्ला

नयी दिल्ली- केरल के राज्यपाल आरिफ मोहम्मद खान के समर्थन में भारतीय जनता पार्टी आ गई है और इतिहासकार इरफान हबीब पर जबरदस्त हमला बोला है. भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता प्रेम शुक्ला ने कहा कि इतिहासकार इरफान हबीब ने जो अभद्रता स्वयं के कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि के साथ कि उसके संदर्भ में ही केरल के राज्यपाल आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने अपना वक्तव्य दिया है.

Body:प्रेम शुक्ला ने कहा कि संविधान को जानने वाले भली-भांति जानते हैं कि संसद ने जो एक बार कानून बना दिया और उस कानून के विरोध में यदि कोई व्यक्ति कार्यक्रम से हटकर बोल रहा है और वहां मुख्य अतिथि के तौर पर उस राज्य के प्रथम नागरिक स्वयं राज्यपाल बैठे हुए हैं तो वह राज्यपाल संविधान के संरक्षण की भूमिका में हैं और उनके समक्ष अनर्गल आरोप लगाए जाएंगे तो वह तो उत्तर देंगे और जब आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने प्रत्युत्तर देने के अपने अधिकार का सदुपयोग किया तब वहां जिस तरह की हंगामेबाजी और अभद्रता हुई वह इरफान हबीब और उनके मार्क्सवादी तमाम साहित्यकार और इतिहासकारों की असहिष्णुता का जीवंत प्रमाण है

बता दें केरल के राज्यपाल आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने कहा है कि इतिहासकार इरफान हबीब ने 'भारतीय इतिहास कांग्रेस' के उनके उद्घाटन भाषण को रोकने का प्रयास किया और भिन्न राय को लेकर उनकी 'असहिष्णुता' अलोकतांत्रिक थी. आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने तस्वीरों के साथ कई ट्वीट किए हैं. ट्वीट में कहा गया कि इतिहासकार इरफान हबीब ने अब्दुल कलाम आजाद को उद्धृत करने के आरिफ मोहम्मद खान के अधिकार पर प्रश्नचिन्ह खड़ा किया और ऊंची आवाज में कहा कि उन्हें नाथूराम गोडसे को उद्धृत करना चाहिए.

राज्यपाल आरिफ मोहम्मद खान के कार्यालय ने कहा कि आरिफ मोहम्मद खान तो सिर्फ पिछले वक्ताओं द्वारा उठाए गए बिंदुओं पर प्रतिक्रिया देकर संविधान की रक्षा के अपने दायित्व को निभा रहे थे लेकिन दूसरे मत के प्रति असहिष्णुता के कारण मंच और श्रोताओं द्वारा भाषण को बाधित करने की कोशिश अलोकतांत्रिक है.

Conclusion:इतिहासकार इरफान हबीब पर राज्यपाल आरिफ अहमद खान ने यह भी आरोप लगाया है कि उन्होंने उनके ADC और सुरक्षा अधिकारियों के साथ धक्का मुक्की की है. आरिफ मोहम्मद खान ने कहा है कि इरफान हबीब ने CAA को लेकर कुछ मुद्दे उठाए थे लेकिन जब मैंने उन मुद्दों पर अपनी बात रखनी चाहिए तो उन्होंने मुझे रोकने की कोशिश की और ऐसा वीडियो में भी पूरी तरह साफ दिख रहा है.
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