New Delhi: The Delhi Fire Service received a call about a "blaze" at Lok Nayak Bhawan, minutes after people switched off electric lights at their homes at 9 pm on Sunday and lit earthen lamps and flashed mobile phone torchlights expressing India's resolve to collectively fight COVID-19, but it turned out to be candles.
A call about a fire at Lok Nayak Bhawan, which houses several government offices, was received at 9.02 pm and seven fire tenders were rushed to the spot, officials said.
Also read: WATCH: PM Modi, ministers and CMs light diyas and candles in solidarity
On reaching the spot, it was learnt that candles were lit on the 9th floor of the building and no fire had broken out, they said.
Seeing candles being lighted from a distance, a person called the fire department believing that a fire has broken out at one of the floors of the building, they added.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday had urged the people to switch off the lights of their homes and light up lamps, candles or mobile phone torches for nine minutes at 9 pm on Sunday to display the country's "collective resolve" to defeat coronavirus.
(PTI report)