Kanker (Chhattishgarh): Following ETV Bharat's report on the difficulties faced by the daily labourers of Chhatisgarh's Kanker district, food and other necessary things were provided to them by the youngsters and people from various places of the state.
The nationwide lockdown in response to Covid 19 has fatally affected labourers and they are facing many problems. ETV Bharat had prominently displayed the plight of these labourers, after which youngsters from the city and people from rural areas are coming forward to help the poor people.
People have collected and distributed rice, vegetables and pulses to the wagers. The district administration also said that they will ensure that necessaries are supplied to these labourers.
The humane action came after ETV Bharat had reported the plight of the poor few days back.
"We have supplied an adequate amount of food for those daily labourers. We have also asked those contractors, who have deployed them for work that they should arrange food and other necessary things for the daily labourers. The district administration has also arranged medical facilities for the daily labourers and the doctors are on duty for the health checkups. If the food is not delivered by the contractor then the strict action will be taken by the administration," said, KL Chauhan, Collector, Kanker.
All the labourers were examined by the Health Department and they have said that the condition of the people is stable. No symptoms of any disease have been found in them, sources added.
Notably, ETV Bharat had not only taken the plight of these wage earners to the administration but also brought it to the common public. It is only after this that locals have begun coming forward to help them and the district administration has taken such steps for them.
ALSO READ: ETV Bharat impact: 100 starving labourers rescued in Rajasthan