New Delhi: The Election Commission on Wednesday asked the authorities to stop the screening of the biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi during poll period, saying any such film that subserves purpose of any political entity or individual should not be displayed in the electronic media.
The EC order came a day before the movie was to be released.
The first phase of Lok Sabha elections starts on Thursday.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed a petition filed by a Congress activist seeking stay on the release of the biopic and said that the Election Commission would be an "appropriate" place to seek the redressal.
The apex court said that it was not entertaining the petition for the stay on the release of the film as it was "premature" since the movie is yet to be certified by the Censor Board.
It said that even if the film is released on April 11, as claimed by the Congress activist, it will be appropriate for him to seek a redressal from the Election Commission.
The plea had sought deferment of the biopic's release till the completion of the coming Lok Sabha polls, alleging that it was designed to "manipulate, influence and impress viewers and voters".
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