New Delhi: With the Election Commission announcing the dates for Delhi Assembly polls, Congress party on Monday said that it welcomes the announcement and took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janta Party government at the Centre and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for "stalling Delhi's progress" following "an uncordial relationship between the two men".
"Over the past five years, Delhi's progress has been stalled due to an uncordial relationship between two men (Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal). Kejriwal and PM Modi wasted away the last five years by engaging in fights, " said Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala while addressing the media in Delhi.
Referring to Congress' 15-year rule in the national capital as a "golden period", the former Haryana MLA said, "One should revisit the 15 years of Congress rule in Delhi to understand the progress made by it."
Pitching Congress as a major contender in the upcoming Assembly polls in Delhi, Surjewala said, "Over the past five years, while other parties have seen a decline in their popularity, Congress has been witnessing positive growth in this respect. In 2015 Assembly, our vote share was 9.6 percent. In 2017 corporation election our vote share was over 21 percent, and during 2019 Lok Sabha elections, our vote share rose to 22.6 percent."
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"This shows that the progressive-minded people of Delhi are once again rooting for Congress," added the Congress leader.
Further taking a dig at AAP, Surjewala said, "AAP's vote share has seen a steady decline from 55 percent in 2015 Assembly polls to 25 percent during 2017 corporation polls, it was further reduced to 18.2 percent in 2019 general elections."