New Delhi: The Delhi police on Tuesday requested Delhi Commission For Women chief Swati Maliwal to vacate the Jantar Mantar premises, citing a standing order that prohibits protests at the venue after 5 pm.
Maliwal sat on a hunger strike at the venue to protest against the recent rape incidents in the country. She refused to listen to the police's request.
Despite several requests from police on the public address system to end her protest for the day, Maliwal and her supporters refused to budge.
"Delhi Police is citing guidelines saying that one cannot organise a protest after 5 pm. Last year, on the 10th day of my fast unto death, a law was made that rapists be given death penalty within six months. That law is not being implemented. What guidelines are they talking about?" she said.
Maliwal said she will continue her strike until her demands are met.
The DCW chief has also written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, demanding that rapists be hanged within six months of their conviction.
Also read: Death penalty for rapists no solution to deep-rooted problem: Gargi Chakravartty
"Delhi Police wants me to stay in cold and there are no arrangements for even a microphone or tent. They are trying to trouble me and portray me as a criminal. Whatever they want to do, they can. I do not want to fight with anyone. My hunger strike will continue at Jantar Mantar," she said.
According to the standing order, protest at Jantar Mantar shall be organised between 10 am and 5 pm.