New Delhi: A Delhi trial court on Monday granted bail to journalist Priya Ramani in the criminal defamation complaint filed by former union minister M J Akbar. Earlier, the court summoned Priya to appear before the court, noting that the the allegations of sexual harassment by Ramani were prima facie defamatory and refers to complainant Akbar.
Akbar has denied the allegations made against him said that they were false and imaginary. Ramani was the first in a long list of women journalists to accuse the former Minister of State for External Affairs and journalist-turned-politician of sexual harassment.
The allegations against Akbar, 68, dated back to his former career in journalism. Ramani revealed in October 2018 that an article she wrote in 2017 about an unnamed editor's predatory behaviour was in fact about M.J. Akbar. She said he was as "talented a predator" as he was a writer. Several other women since have come forward with stories about him.
The statements of seven witnesses, including that of Akbar, who is now with the Bharatiya Janata Party, have been recorded. The Rajya Sabha member has denied all charges against him as "false, wild and baseless".
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