New Delhi: Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) are deadlocked to win the Patparganj constituency seat in the assembly polls. According to data compiled by the poll body at 11 am, the Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Sisodia has bagged 13,844 votes while BJP's Ravinder Singh Negi has got 15,271 so far.
The east Delhi seat of Patparganj is a prestigious seat for the AAP after New Delhi constituency which is Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's seat. The BJP had won the seat in 1993 after which the seat had become a Congress stronghold till Sisodia won the seat for two consecutive terms in 2013 and 2015. Vote share of Sisodia in the constituency increasing from 41.5 per cent (2013) to 53.5 per cent (2015).
Read: Delhi Assembly Elections: Key battles in the fray
The counting of votes for 70 seats of the Delhi Assembly began amid tight security at 8 am today. Delhi went to polls in a single-phase on February 8.
AAP, BJP, Congress are the main political parties in the fray. The primary fight is between the ruling AAP and the BJP which is seeking to make reentry into the state politics. (ANI Report)