New Delhi: The young Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officer, who has scripted history by receiving his 7th PMG, has dedicated his Police Medal for Gallantry to his buddy who lost his life in a fidayeen attack by Jaish-E-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists.
35-year-old CRPF Assistant Commandant Naresh Kumar, became the first officer to have received seven PMGs in his service. Naresh achieved this in four years and has been awarded with PMGs for neutralising terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir with other security forces.
"I want to dedicate this PMG to my buddy Shaheed Mohd. Yasin Teli, who was killed in a fidayeen attack by Jaish terrorists in Pulwama. Just after that operation, we neutralised 3 Jaish terrorists and for that operation, I have been awarded with PMG this time. My buddy was the first who came in my mind. So I want to dedicate this PMG to him," Naresh told a news agency.
"A buddy is the most important person for any person involved in operations. We guard lives of our buddies like a shield and they protect us in the same manner during the operation," he said.
Naresh also said that decrease in stone-pelting incidents in the Valley has helped forces in conducting anti-terrorist operations. "Earlier, there were cases when locals used to pelt stones during operation and terrorists used to get benefit of it to flee but now no such thing happens," Naresh said.
While speaking about his personal experiences, Naresh said that his parents used to get news of any operations through TV channels.
"Nobody gets a chance to talk to the family members during operations. Like any other parents, my parents also used to get news from TV of some operations in Jammu and Kashmir. But the first thing I used to do after finishing the operation was to talk to my parents," Naresh said.
(ANI Report)