New Delhi: At a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed the country to follow the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in order to fight with novel coronavirus, Atri Dev alias Mini Modi has also urged the citizens to adhere to the preventive measures required to curb the spread of COVID-19 virus.
Mini Modi got a huge fan following after participating in the campaign program with some of the BJP eminent leaders like- Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Gautam Gambhir and Delhi party chief Manoj Tiwari during 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
While interacting with ETV Bharat, Atri Dev said, "I request all the citizens to follow to the guidelines necessary to stop the spread of novel coronavirus. Use preventive equipment like mask whenever required to move outside of your house. Wash hand regularly."
The 9-year-old champ also appealed the citizens to follow the lockdown properly and urged to avoid unnecessary movements.
Meanwhile, India’s total cases due to COVID-19 reached 9,152 today with the death toll hitting 308, indicating a jump of 796 new cases and 35 deaths in 24 hours. Of these, 7,987 are active cases while 856 are cured.
The deadly virus has infected over 1.8 million people and led to more than 1 lakh deaths worldwide.
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