Raipur: Chattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched ‘Dai-Didi' Clinic, special mobile clinic for women. The mobile clinic will cater to the medical needs of women in Raipur, Durg-Bhilai and Bilaspur Municipal Corporation.
Baghel inaugurated the pilot project under Urban Slum Health Scheme on November 19 to commemorate former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on her birth anniversary. Along with the first aid facility, breast cancer screening by women doctor, self breast examination , regular and special screening of pregnant women will be availed for free.
Moreover, on a predetermined day, the mobile clinic service will be provided near Anganawadis. Collaborating with the Women and Child Development Department, various benefits for pregnant women and children will be catered with the mobile clinic.
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Baghel opined during the inauguration that women tend to hesitate from opening up about their problems. Being administered and managed solely by women, the clinic will let women resolve their confusions on family planning, copper-T insertion, availability of emergency pills, birth control pills, weekly contraceptive pill, contraceptive injection. In addition, family planning counselling, Sexually Transmitted Disease counselling will also be provided.
While inaugurating the three mobile clinics, Baghel tested his blood pressure. During the inauguration, Urban Administration Minister, Dr Shiv Dahria; Chairman of State Housing Board, Kuldeep Juneja; State Women Commission Chairman, Kiranmayi Nayak; Mayor Ejaz Dhebar, Chairman Pramod Dubey, Chairman of Raipur Development Authority, Subhash Dhuppad; Secretary of Urban Administration Alarmal Mangai D; Raipur Collector Bharatidasan, Municipal Corporation Commissioner of Raipur, along with doctors, nurses were present.
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