Chennai: The 26-year-old Mani, who is mentally challenged, is left all alone after his parents succumbed to COVID-19 at Omanthoorar government hospital. Mani's father A.K. Arunachalam (62) died of COVID-19 two days back and his mother Geetha (58) lost her life to infection two yesterday. All the three family members were admitted to the same hospital after they tested positive for COVID-19, but the health of Mani exacerbated and at present, he is battling for his life. Orphaned Mani has been admitted to Intensive Unit Care.
How did the family contract coronavirus?
A.K. Arunachalam, who is visually impaired, left no stone unturned in extending help to the blind people to ensure that they did not die of starvation. A social activist, who has served as the state president of the All India Progressive Association for the Blind, Arunachalam did everything possible to help the blind people without worrying about his own health.
The house of the family is located in KVP Gardens, a containment zone in Chennai which added to their woes. Ultimately, Mani's father contracted the virus following which Geeta and Mani also tested positive for the infection. It is to be mentioned that inspite living in a sealed area, the family contracted the virus and Mani's parents died of COVID-19. Now the question arises, who will look after bereaved Mani?
Social activists and workers have expressed concerns over the deaths of Arunachalam and Geeta, appealing the state government to come forward and help Mani.
Tamil Nadu is witnessing a huge spike in the COVID-19 cases with Chennai being the worst affected city, reporting more than 2,000 cases everyday. At present, the state has reported 90,167 active cases with 1,201 casualties.