Chandigarh: Ahead of Raksha Bandhan, the Chandigarh Postal Division has introduced a separate 'Rakhi Mail Box' in post offices for minimum interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The post offices are receiving the booking of rakhis across the world. There are 43 post offices in Chandigarh, 25 post offices in Mohali and 27 post offices in Ropar which comes under this division.
Senior Superintendent Post Offices of Chandigarh Division, Manoj Yadav said, "Special arrangements have been made at all the major post offices to ensure rakhis reach on time. A special drive has also been organised on August 2, a day before the Raksha Bandhan festival for the delivery of rakhis."
"The cut-off date to sent rakhis for other states is July 25 and for within the state is July 28 to ensure delivery before August 2," said Yadav.
"Rakhis to 35 foreign countries can only be sent through speed post," he added.
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