New Delhi: CBSE Board has relaxed the rules for admission to Class 11 for students who would like to take up Math. Earlier, having Mathematics-Standard Paper in Class 10 was compulsory, as per admission rules, to take up the subject in Class 11.
However, owing to the unique circumstances, the rule has been relaxed as a one-time measure, and students who did not have Mathematics Standard paper in Class 10 can still opt for Mathematics in Class 11.
The decision will benefit students who had opted for Basic Mathematics in Class 10 and are now looking forward to taking up Mathematics in Class 11 as well. The relaxation has been made as a one-time measure only for the batch of the academic year 2020-21.
Students with Basic Math Don’t need to appear for Compartmental Exams
Along with the announcement, the CBSE Board has also clarified that after the relaxation of the rule of having Math Standard subject as mandatory; students who had Basic Mathematics will now be allowed to take up the subject in Class 11 as well without having to reappear for the Compartmental Exam.
Simply put, all the students have passed in the CBSE Class 10 Basic Mathematics exam, are now eligible to take up Maths in Class 11, without having the need to reappear for the standard maths paper during compartment exams.
However, the board has informed the respective school heads to ensure that such students have the aptitude and ability to pursue Mathematics in Class 11. Therefore, the final decision with regards to awarding admission to the students with Math subject now rests with the respective schools to which students are applying.
CBSE Board Compartmental Exams To Be Held
While announcing the decision to relax the admission rule with regards to Mathematics subject, the board officials also clarified the decision doesn’t imply that compartmental exams would not be held for CBSE 10th and 12th Class students. The Board informed students that it will conduct Compartmental Exams at a suitable time, once the situation around COVID-19 improves across the country.
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