New Delhi: Amid incidents of violent protests in Lucknow and some other parts of the nation against the Citizenship Amendment Act, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, G Kishan Reddy on Thursday said that situation is under control across the country but there have been some 2-3 minor incidents in Lucknow.
"Those indulged in violence or destroyed public property will not be spared. We expect that there will be normalcy in all the states in next 2-3 days," said G Kishan Reddy.
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The minister also appealed the students protesting against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act to first read the amended Act before coming to streets. He said that CAA is not against any Indian, any region or religion.
Speaking on Delhi Police action against protesters, Reddy said, "Delhi Police is not hitting anyone, they are handling law and order as it should be. Right now our priority is to maintain calm and counter myths being spread on the amended Citizenship Act and NRC with facts."
He further added that the rules for the Citizenship (Amendment) Act will be framed by the home ministry as soon as there is normalcy in all the states. Political efforts should be made to maintain peace.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Home Affairs will hold a review meeting later today over protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in different parts of the country.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill seeks to provide Indian nationality to six communities- Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jains and Buddhists fleeing persecution from Pakistan, Afganistan and Bangladesh.
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