Aligarh: The Aligarh police, on Wednesday, booked a local Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader, Mohammad Zahid, and 20 others for violating lockdown rules by organising a dance session on the eve of his son's wedding.
A case was registered after a video of the event went viral on social media in which more than hundreds were seen dancing on a party song. In the video, the guests can be seen without masks and not maintaining the social distancing norms.
"Wedding ceremony of Jahid's son will be held on June 30. But before that, people gathered in large numbers and organised a dance party. Video has surfaced on the internet and we have registered a case," said Circle Officer Vishal Pandey.
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According to the police spokesman, Zahid and 20 unidentified persons have been booked under sections 188, 269, 271 of the IPC and section 3 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 at the Sasni gate police station here. Zahid had contested the Councillor elections elections.
It is to be mentioned that Sasni gate police station area was sealed after the area witnessed huge spike in Covid-19 cases. Movement of people and transport was prohibited in the area due to Covid-19 lockdown.
(With inputs from IANS)