Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Monday rejected the bail plea moved by Editor-in-Chief of Republic TV Arnab Goswami, who is in judicial custody in relation to a case concerning the suicide of interior designer Anvay Naik in 2018.
A division bench of Justices S S Shinde and M S Karnik said: "no case was made out in the present matter for the high court to exercise its extraordinary jurisdiction".
The HC noted that the petitioner (Goswami) has the remedy under the law to approach the sessions court concerned and seek regular bail.
Earlier, Goswami had filed a petition in the Bombay high court against his illegal arrest and sought interim bail.
Goswami and two others - Feroze Shaikh and Nitish Sarda - were arrested by Alibaug police on November 4.
After his arrest from his residence in Mumbai, Goswami was taken to Alibaug, where the Chief Judicial Magistrate refused to remand him in police custody.
The magistrate's court remanded Goswami and the two others in judicial custody till November 18.
On Sunday, he was shifted to the Taloja jail in Raigad district after allegedly being found using a mobile phone while in judicial custody.
Goswami was initially kept at a local school which is designated as COVID-19 centre for the Alibaug prison.
In his petition, Goswami alleged that he is being targeted and harassed by the Maharashtra government for his reportage on his news channel.
(with inputs from PTI)
ALSO READ: Arnab Goswami arrested in 2018 suicide abetment case