Bengaluru: Bagalakunte police arrested a woman for allegedly conspiring and abducting her husband for Rs 40 lakhs. Police said that the victim's wife, along with four others, conspired and abducted the victim for Rs. 40 lakh which he had saved for buying a house for the family.
The victim, Somashekhar, works in a private company and is a resident of Thyagarajanagar.
Somashekhar's wife Supriya made a fake COVID-19 report with the help of a doctor, who the police identified as Kiran.
The police have arrested Supriya, her mother Latha, relatives Gagan and Balaji Tejas, Dr Kiran in connection with the case.
According to the police, Somashekhar was kidnapped by unknown people who were disguised as hospital staff. He was 'forced' into an ambulance on the pretext that he was tested COVID-19 positive and had fled from the hospital.
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According to the police, Somashekhar was taken to a farmhouse in Chamarajanagar and was assaulted with his legs and hands tied. He was asked to pay a ransom amount of Rs 40 lakh to the kidnappers.
Under duress, Somashekhar telephoned his friends and asked them to give Rs 10 lakh to Supriya. Subsequently, his friends visited Supriya to inquire about Somashekhar. She told them that he was undergoing treatment at Magadi Road Hospital after having tested positive for the COVID-19. However, they filed a police complaint after sensing something amiss in Supriya's version of the story.
The police launched an investigation into the missing case of Somashekhar and questioned Supriya. But she repeated that he was admitted in the hospital for COVID treatment.
Meanwhile, police said three more people are involved in the case and a search is underway to nab them.