New Delhi: The Supreme Court commenced hearing in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case for the 19th day with the senior advocate Dr Rajeev Dhavan resumes his argument
Dhavan: The son of Mohammad Hashim’s son who is one of the appellants was attacked by a shooter yesterday. This matter should be investigated but we cannot file contempt petition everyday.
I don’t want to pursue people into contempt and I don’t want security, it will change my life. As your lordship said that you may look into the matter that suffices. We are not blaming the other side. Kindly keep that in mind, we have good relations with them.
Justice Bhushan questions Dhavan: If you say so then does that mean that you are accepting that they were praying in the outer courtyard.
Dhavan: In 1885, they claimed the inner courtyard and the right to pray. Shebaitship is fine, that is their juristic status.
“The plaintiff, Nirmohi Akhara is asking for management rights, they are entitled to management rights. What was in the outer courtyard and where the prayer was being taken place is a question to be decided.”
Justice Chandrachud: Your suit is for declaration of the entire Mosque and the inner as well as the outer courtyard
Dhavan: In 1885, they sought for the right to pray and no claim of title was asked and it is an easement right. In 1885, suit title was denied and the right to pray was recognised. The deity has a limited juristic right.
Also Read: Ayodhya hearing: SC issues notice to two for threatening advocate Dhavan