Delhi: On Wednesday slogans were raised against the Supreme Court lawyer Mahmood Paracha who went to meet the agitated protesters at Shaheen Bagh protest site. According to reports Paracha said that the protest will continue until all the demands are met.
He further said that there was no conflict involved with him as these protesters later welcomed him and he lend a helping hand to the them by clearing out their confusion about law and order. " The way police is torturing these innocent people in itself is a message that people urgently need constitutional help which is what I was here for basically" Paracha added.
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After addressing the Shaheen Bagh crowd the Supreme Court lawyer said that he has appealed to the protesters not to be misguided by people in power, they should listen to their conscience and take decisions accordingly.
Meanwhile, the apex court has appointed senior lawyers Sanjay Hegde, Sadhna Ramachandran and former Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah to talk to protesters at Shaheen Bagh area to convince them to hold the agitation at an alternative site.