Hyderabad: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has seized Rs 2.29 crore of an unaccounted wealth of former director, Insurance Medical Services (IMS), Devika Rani and Naga Lakshmi, a pharmacist.
According to an official release, on Friday Rs 1,29,30,000 unaccounted money of Devika Rani, former director, Insurance Medical Services in the names of her family members, Rs 65,00,000 in the name of benamidars paid through cheques and online transfers from various sources and Rs 35,00,000 unaccounted money of Naga Lakshmi, pharmacist, ESI which has paid through cheques and online transfers from various sources to a real estate company for the purchase of commercial and residential space in Cyberabad area were deposited in the court through transfer from the real estate company.
Both the accused officers have invested this unaccounted money towards the purchase of six residential flats and about 15,000 square feet of commercial space in the names of their family members.
Both the accused officers were already arrested in disproportionate assets case and were released on bail by the Special Judge for SPE and ACB Cases, Hyderabad.
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