New Delhi Till now, five trains have commenced their journey carrying migrant workers, students and other people on the request of the respective state governments, said Railways official.
"The trains are - Lingampally to Hatia, Aluva to Bhubaneswar, Nashik to Bhopal, Jaipur to Patna, and Kota to Hatia," Railways official said in a statement. The last train of the day departed from Jaipur at 00:18 hours on Saturday for Patna Junction.
A special train also departed from Kota Railway Station on Friday and railway staff including RPF were seen applauding the passengers leaving from the station.
The move comes after, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Wednesday granted the permission for movement of the stranded people, including migrants labourers, workers, students, tourists, and provided the procedure for the same.
Meanwhile, the lockdown, which was scheduled to end on May 3, has been extended by another two weeks. (ANI)
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