New Delhi: The row over 'UP-Bihar Ke Bhaiya' remark by Punjab Chief Minister Charanjeet Singh Channi does not seem to end. Now, Channi's own party member and an MP of his state, Manish Tewari has launched a scathing attack upon him by comparing it with the issue of blacks in US.
In a series of tweets, Tewari criticised Channi's statement, saying, "De-Horse Politics- The Bhaiya controversy is like the Black issue in the US . It is reflective of an unfortunate systemic & institutionalised social bias against migrants stretching back to the inception of the Green Revolution." He further added, "At a personal level despite my mother being a Jat Sikh & my father being the foremost exponent of Punjab-Punjabi-Punjabiyat who laid down his life for Hindu-Sikh amity because of my Sir name it is said behind my back ‘Eh Bhaiya Kithon Agha’ peppered with the choicest expletives in Punjabi - We have to root it out."
He also asserted, "Such thinking should have no place in the secular ethos of Punjab grounded in the idiom - Manas Ki Jaat Sabhe Ek Pechan." The scathing attack against Channi comes a day after the Punjab CM had given an explanation over his remarks by claiming that his statements are being "distorted" and his remarks were meant for AAP leaders.
"My statement is being distorted. All the migrants who have come to Punjab have put their sweat and blood into the development of the state. I have a close relationship with them (migrants)," Channi clarified. This controversy erupted after Channi, while addressing a rally on Wednesday, said, "do not let UP and Bihar ke bhaiya enter Punjab" and at that time Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi could be seen standing by him smiling and applauding.