Bengaluru: A Bengaluru-based man has announced a reward of Rs 35,000 cash prize for those who will trace his missing Persian cat. He has lodged a cat missing complaint with the police at Tilak Nagar Police Station in that regard.
The female cat named Alije belongs to one Misbah Sharif, a resident of Rajanna Layout in Jayanagar. Someone stole the cat on January 15 from his house. He was disturbed ever since the cat went missing.
He lodged a complaint with the police and also sought their help to trace his missing cat. He shared his contact number as 9886234520 and appealed to people to find his cat. He was rearing the cat, along with a rabbit, at his residence. He also shared a cute video of that cat and rabbit both spending time together.
Also read: Reward for finding lost cat in Kerala