Bareilly: Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Bareilly Metropolitan Vice President and famous singer Neha Kakkar's cousin brother Pradeep Agarwal alias Kallu was arrested. The leader shot a polytechnic student following a quarrel over the collision of a four-wheeler and a bike. Now, the condition of the victim is said to be critical. Consequently, the police registered a case against Pradeep at Subhashnagar Police Station and arrested him. Meanwhile, the wife of the accused, Shalini, has filed a case against the three people including the victim for forcibly blocking their way and for robbery.
SSP Rohit Singh Sajwan informed, "There was a quarrel between Pradeep Agarwal and the student who was riding a motorcycle. Pradeep Agarwal shot the person on the bike. The injured is undergoing treatment at a private hospital while the accused has been sent to jail."
According to the sources, the injured, Hitesh, is a resident of the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO) Colony, in Subhashnagar and his father is a constable in the police and is posted in Lakhimpur.
The father of the victim student said that his son was going on a motorcycle to his brother-in-law's wedding when the car hit him. There was an argument between the two regarding the matter. The father added that a man in the car shot his son 2 times. "My son is admitted to a private hospital, where his condition remains critical, " said the father.