New Delhi: A Bajrang Dal worker who was injured in a street scuffle on October 12 succumbed to his injuries on Saturday in Delhi's Shadipur area. The Ranjit Nagar Police here have taken cognizance of the matter and have launched an investigation into the same. The death has led to protests by locals in the area, who claim that the matter has a communal angle, though the police have not officially confirmed so yet. The protests also led to the blockage of roads in the vicinity on Sunday.
The deceased has been identified as Nitesh Jha. According to the police, Nitesh's two friends Alok and Monty -- who were also a part of the scuffle -- informed that the fight broke out after a few youths from a certain community attacked the three at around 9 pm on October 12. They also claimed that the fight took a violent turn after around 20-25 people from the nearby mosque joined their attackers with rods and other weapons.
However, police officials, based on a preliminary investigation said that Nitesh, Alok, and Monty were the first ones to initiate the fight. They stopped three people on a bike and assaulted one of them who fell on the ground. As the bike got disbalanced, the other two too fell on the ground and a scuffle ensued between the two groups, a senior police officer said.
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"The footage of the incident reveals that the quarrel was started by Nitesh and Alok. However, in the end, the other party overpowered them and assaulted them. Both Nitesh and Alok have previous criminal records," the DCP said. The police have however not ascertained the exact reason for the fight, though the locals speculate a communal angle to the matter.
Since no one gave any statement at the time, a case was registered under section 308 (Attempt to commit culpable homicide) and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code on DD entry at Ranjit Nagar Police Station, and an investigation was taken up, said Shweta Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central). Meanwhile, the police have identified the three accused who are absconding, she added.