New Delhi: Ahead of the Assembly polls, Bharatiya Janata Party's Uttarakhand core group is scheduled to hold a meeting on Sunday at the party's headquarters in Delhi. Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Uttrakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will be present in the meeting along with the party's National President Jagat Prakash Nadda, State president Madan Kaushik, state election incharge Pralhad Joshi, election co-incharge RP Singh and others.
Meanwhile, Dhami on Saturday had said that he will contest the upcoming Assembly polls in the state from the Khatima constituency and said that the list of candidates will be announced soon. The Chief Minister added that they have set a target of winning more than 60 seats out of the 70 seats in the Assembly through a slogan ''Abki Baar 60 Paar'.
In the last Assembly election, BJP secured the win on 57 seats out of 70 Assembly constituencies in Uttarakhand. Polls to elect the 70-member State Legislative Assembly are scheduled to be held on February 14. The counting will take place on March 10.